Pandemonium, part one

Pandemonium, part one

Episode 116

Chad, Mark, and Timothy legend trip into the abandoned ghost town of Pandemonium, Pennsylvania. Chad and Timothy decide to stay the night. In the first part we discuss some of the features and history of Pandemonium, learn about some tragic deaths which occurred around the town, visit the town cemetery, find an old dynamite shack, and head into the woods - where some things disappear. Chad and Timothy return to the cemetery around midnight to find it quiet and peaceful in the moonlight… until, suddenly, things change.

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Strange Familiars t-shirts and other designs are available here: https://www.teepublic.com/user/darkhollerarts

Episode 116 notes and links:

’s YouTube channel where you can see some videos of Pandemonium, the dynamite shack and more: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNB7MSJ2F1SRBPcQsEFLnvg (make sure to subscribe to Chad’s channel, Ruck Rabbit Outdoors.)

Timothy’s books: https://www.amazon.com/Timothy-Renner/e/B072X44SD5

Our Lost Grave etsy shop has art, books, patches, and more ... including original art done for Strange Familiars: https://www.etsy.com/shop/lostgrave


Contact us via email at: strangefamiliarspodcast@gmail.com


Join the Strange Familiars Gathering group on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/strangefamiliars/

instagram: @strangefamiliars


Intro and background music by Stone Breath. You can find more at http://stonebreath.bandcamp.com

The closing song is Twelve Moons by Timothy. It is available on his album Fallow: https://stonebreath.bandcamp.com/album/fallow

Strange Familiars shirts on sale today!

Strange Familiars shirts on sale today!

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